Blog share: “Most Everything I Know about Portland, I Learned from the Homes my Father Renovated”

Thanks all for the love and responses to that last post! I’m not happy that so many of us are feeling on edge, but it’s nice to hear that other people are having the same thoughts and that we can at least commiserate collectively.

I wanted to share here a blog post I recently wrote for my dad’s business, Papi & Romano Builders in Portland, ME. I had a lot of fun writing it and thinking about woodworking and craftsmanship, what homes mean to us, and all the things I’ve learned about my hometown by paying attention to Papi & Romano job sites.

Link is here!      

It’s finally sunny and warm in Portland today and I’m off for a walk in the woods. Happy weekend!

By Zoë

Hello! I'm a runner, a writer, and have run across the United States and the Tour de France course. Most recently, I'm blogging about my adventures in an MFA program that will bring me to Chile, Argentina, and Brazil, and my teaching plans for Argentina.

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